Category Rector’s Blog

Brave Conversations

A desire for and a movement toward racial healing and justice is at the heart of who we are as St. Paul’s. Two of our guiding values relate our call to “celebrate God’s rich diversity,” and be “open to brave conversations.”…

St. Paul’s Annual Giving Campaign

Today, we hear from Brian Carr. As the Junior Warden, he is a leader among leaders of our governing board, called the vestry. In partnership with Marti Truman, our Sr. Warden, this dynamic duo offers their superpowers to help make…

Being Together

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree Lots of things are getting cranked up this Sunday at St. Paul’s. It’s the second Sunday of the month, which means that a few special things happen. I’m taking some time here just to remind…

Collect for Purity

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly…


by the Rev. Charlie Dupree It’s happening, again!   I’m seeing pictures on social media of kids returning to school . . . . first day of first grade! . . . high school! . . . . can you believe…

A Prayer in the Morning

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree I woke up early this morning. The sky is beautiful, the birds are chirping, there’s an unusual coolness in the air. Here’s a prayer from Celtic Benediction by J. Philip Newell: As the light of dawn awakens earth’s…