Brave Conversations

A desire for and a movement toward racial healing and justice is at the heart of who we are as St. Paul’s. Two of our guiding values relate our call to “celebrate God’s rich diversity,” and be “open to brave conversations.”

Barbara Holley speaks to us in our Weekly Chapel. She has been involved in these initiatives at St. Paul’s, and has been a part of some significant changes. She comes to you with an invitation to join in these ministries, specifically, by participating in Reconciliation Weekend. Reconciliation Weekend began at St. Paul’s in 2019 and remains a part of our ongoing commitment to be responsible stewards of our powerful story and history. During the service, we acknowledge our own participation in the system of enslavement, we lament, we ask for forgiveness, and we pray for a changed future. The whole weekend is dedicated to cultivating a space for transformation through brave, holy conversations. See below for full event details.

How far we’ve come . . . and, how far we have to go. Your contributions to St. Paul’s help ensure that this important work continues, and that St. Paul’s remains a welcoming, brave space that affirms and embraces the richness of God’s diversity.

By the way, we had a great Town Hall Meeting on Sunday and shared some important news and updates. We are in the process of developing resources to share relevant information with you all. Stay tuned!

See you in church,

Charlie+ (he/him)