Pastoral Care & Support

St. Paul’s Pastoral Care Ministry is the heartbeat of our community. Within a culture of mutual care, we embrace each other’s gifts and respond to each other’s needs. We share our joys and sorrows. Together, we share what we have received – Christ’s abiding, compassionate and healing love. 

Pastoral Connection

Has your life become more stressful? Are you facing new and difficult challenges? Would you like to talk with someone? The clergy and lay pastoral leaders of St. Paul’s are here for you. We want to offer our support in times of crisis, illness, and grief as well as during such significant life events (i.e. the birth or adoption of a child) and transitions. There are many ways you can receive support and prayer. Please reach out.

For any pastoral needs or concerns, please email or call the Reverend Andie Rohrs, Associate Rector for Pastoral Care Care: E-mail HERE or call (804) 545-5415.

You can also learn more about mental health and social services resources both at St. Paul’s and in the surrounding community with our Pastoral Care Resources Booklet.  

A Community of Prayer

As Christians, we pray for each other, our communities, and our world. When we pray, we believe that we open ourselves to God’s grace and mercy. We move out of ourselves and align our hearts and minds with God’s Spirit. We want to become conduits of God’s healing and hope for ourselves and the people we love.

We offer two types of prayer for health and healing:

  • Corporate Prayer: During the Sunday Prayers of the People, we pray for persons whose names we have received. These names are also published in Grace Notes to encourage congregational members to pray for these individuals during the week. Individuals may request prayer for themselves or others.
    • To request public prayers, please call the church office (804) 643-3589 or complete our online form.
  • Private Prayer: Confidential prayer is available through our Prayer Chain ministry. To learn more about this ministry click here (insert hyperlink to prayer chain description.)

Pastoral Care Ministries

Card Ministry

A network of parishioners send birthday cards to everyone in the congregation on their birthdays.


Comforting Stitches Ministry

Parishioners create hand-crafted items to give to people in our parish whom we wish to have a tangible expression of our love and prayers. 


Cook Angels Ministry

Parishioners prepare or purchase meals and deliver them to households that need special support.


Eucharistic Visitors

Licensed lay persons take communion to homebound or hospitalized parishioners.


Prayer Chain

Members of the Prayer Chain pray daily for those requesting confidential prayer, interceding on their behalf.


Transportation Ministry

Volunteers drive the church van to transport parishioners to and from worship services.


assorted petaled flowers centerpiece inside room

Uber Flower Delivery Ministry

Volunteers deliver Sunday’s altar flowers to parishioners who could use a little flower power in their week.


Bereavement Support Group

The bereavement support group is offered seasonally for people who are struggling with the death (recent or not) of a loved one, whether this is a spouse, parent, child, or close friend.