CHILDREN’S MINISTRY supports the children and families of St. Paul’s.
Staff Contact: Linda Willis, Director of Children Youth and Families
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School is for kids 3 yrs old – 5th grade and is offered during our 9 AM formation hour.
We nurture spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children with Godly Play, Art and Music and Movement.
We offer nursery care for children aged three and under on Sunday mornings (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM) and during other church-sponsored events as needed. The guiding principles for our nursery care begin with our commitment to offering loving, safe, and compassionate care.
Contact Linda Willis with any questions.
Children’s CHapel
Children’s Chapel is available during the 10 AM worship service (usually during the sermon) for children 3-yrs to 5th grade. This is a child-oriented worship designed to bring their faith to life.
You can find children’s worship bags in the Narthex (entrance to the church) and the Sanctuary Family Space will be available near the gold doors.
Canti Children’s Choir
Canti Children’s Choir is for children and youth from 3rd grade through high school. Singers will learn to match pitch, read music, work and sing as a team, learn about Episcopal church liturgy, and have a lot of fun! Rehearsals are after Sunday Morning Worship.
Baptism & Baptism Preparation
If you wish your child to be baptized, you and the child’s godparents are will need to participate in a two-hour Baptism Preparation Workshop. This is led by the clergy. Children are sponsored by one or more baptized persons who, along with the church, promise to nurture them in their Christian faith.
Our Commitment to Protect Your Child
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is committed to creating a safe environment that protects the well-being of all children and youth who participate in activities at our parish. We have designed
and implemented policies to reflect that commitment.
Our staff and regular volunteers have all taken the Safeguarding God’s Children training, a
sexual abuse awareness and prevention program mandated by the Episcopal Church.
If you have questions or concerns about our commitment to the well-being of your children,
please contact Linda Willis, Director of Children, Youth and Families.