A Generous Welcome

There’s nothing worse than feeling like an outsider. Getting to know a new place, a new group, a new environment, or a new crowd can be very awkward and uncomfortable. This is why it’s important for all of us at St. Paul’s to think of ourselves as ministers of hospitality and welcome. When we come to church, it’s important and life-giving to connect established friends. At the same time, we have to be attentive to those who might not be as familiar with St. Paul’s. It only takes a simple smile, a simple “Hello,” or a simple question like, “Can I help you find anything?” to make someone feel more included.

As we near the end of our Annual Giving Campaign, Lizzie Oliver comes to you with a message and an invitation. On Sunday, we will host a newcomer brunch for those who consider themselves new to the community, or for those who are returning. It’s a time to learn more about St. Paul’s, and make a few connections. You can Click Here to register for this time of fellowship, learning, and delicious food!

On behalf of all persons who have ever tried to break into a new community, I thank you for the ways in which you extend a generous welcome at St. Paul’s. As scripture tells us . . . when we reach out to the stranger, we just might be entertaining angels.

See you in church,

Charlie+ (he/him)