Category Worship


by the Rev. Charlie Dupree We heard a portion of Psalm 119 during worship on Sunday. It’s a long psalm! It has 176 verses in which groups of eight verse begins with each successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This…

The Windhover | Rev. Charlie Dupree

Around this time of year, I like to notice birds . . . soaring. As the weather warms up, I like to imagine the birds, literally, stretching their wings as they ride the warm thermals that keep them afloat. How…

Psalm One by Rev. Charlie Dupree

Lucky for you, I try not to preach on ALL of the readings prescribed on a given Sunday. So, since I may not get to it in the pulpit this Sunday, I want to touch on the Psalm.

Life of the Party | Rev. Charlie Dupree

Where do you notice abundance in your life? Are there places of abundant life and abundant living that you take for granted? Where would you like to experience and/or share more abundance?

You, Me, and Francis by Rev. Charlie Dupree

Next week, we celebrate the feast of St. Francis who was born and raised in Assisi. He is celebrated for his generosity and compassion to the poor and outcast, but he’s celebrated, also and equally, for his connection to creation.