
Standing on Air

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree I’ve been spending a lot of time watching hummingbirds. They visit our feeder, stealing quick sips. What amazing creatures. Do you think God thought, “I think I’ll make something fast as lightening with wings like…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree What is rhythm? I first remember learning about this word in elementary school. It was hard to spell, so our teacher told us, “Just remember it this way: Robin Hood Yelled To His Men.” How helpful! I started piano lessons and “rhythm” became…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree Thomas Merton lived as a monk at the Abby of Gethsemani from 1941 until his death in 1968. This particular Abby is nestled deep in the hills of central Kentucky. It is a monastery of…

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Shooting in RVA

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree Yesterday, a friend sent me a picture. It was a scene of a smoky, downtown Manhattan. I’m sure you’ve read about the wildfires in Canada that are creating these hazy skies. And, there were shootings in…

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Summer Prayers

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree With the coming of Memorial Day comes a good bit of travel accompanied by, God willing, times of re-creation. What would it look like for you to pair your summer plans and travels with prayer?…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree This past Sunday, we celebrated the fantastic young people who are a part of the fabric of St. Paul’s. We celebrated their contributions, as well as the contributions of their faithful teachers and mentors who…

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At All Times

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree Silver, silver sky; Gray, yellow, metal, soft. Sprinkler system watering plants placed; Back and forth; forth and back; Precise and clumsy. Calming. Mamas and daddies putting curious kids to bed “Do I have to? Do…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree This Sunday at St. Paul’s, the Right Reverend Gayle E. Harris, assisting bishop in the Diocese of Virginia, will be at St. Paul’s to baptize, confirm, receive, and reaffirm members of our community, as well…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree I’m going to be spending a lot of time at Shrine Mont this week. What is Shrine Mont? Shrine Mont is the camp and conference center for the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. It is located…

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by the Rev. Charlie Dupree We heard a portion of Psalm 119 during worship on Sunday. It’s a long psalm! It has 176 verses in which groups of eight verse begins with each successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This…

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