Weekly Encouragement: “Regular” May Be as Good as “Perfect”

“That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”
Romans 1:12

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Now that we are a week into Lent, how is your Lenten discipline going? Off to a good start? The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak? Never got around to deciding what to do, or to undo, this Lent?

It is not too late to start a discipline for the season. Like school, regular attendance may be as good as perfect attendance. Some regular Lenten discipline may be as good as perfect observance.

Remember that we all are, as Christians, disciples. That means we follow Jesus. It also means that we follow his example. Taking on a discipline, for Lent or for life, makes us better disciples―makes us better followers of Jesus.

I considered giving up church for Lent, but was quickly told that that would not be an acceptable option under the terms of my letter of agreement with St. Paul’s. So, instead, I am focusing on two activities for my Lenten discipline.

The first is careful and prayerful daily reading of the Lenten Devotional FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT 2019 booklet, comprised of reflections written by St. Paul’s community members. Deeply thoughtful, each day brings me new ideas, as well as giving me insight into the spiritual lives of my fellow travelers in this corner of God’s world. If you are using it too, be sure to respond to anyone whose reflection may have spoken deeply to you. You might develop some new soul friendships this way.

The second is a devotional journey into our country’s history of slavery, segregation, and racism, using An American Lent. Its purpose is to help participants confront both our history and its current legacies, and then to try to repair broken relationships. I am finding it personally challenging and hope to bring some of my experiences from it into my work with you at St. Paul’s.

Wherever you are, or aren’t, in terms of your journey of discipleship, may this season of Lent be a blessing to you, and may you be a blessing to others.

God’s Peace,

The Rev. Bill Queen
Interim Rector, St. Paul’s Church