Communion Updates and Join Us for Easter! By Rev. Charlie Dupree

In the video below, Rev. Charlie shares about the decision and process to reintroduce wine in communion this Easter Sunday and invites you, your family and friends to join with St. Paul’s in our Holy Week journey and to celebrate Easter.

You will find our Holy Week services offer several places for contemplation, reflection and beauty. Then join us for the Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday night and a festive Easter Worship on Sunday morning which usher in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. And, of course, don’t forget the Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Make sure to invite friends and family to experience this special season with you and your St. Paul’s family.

Information about all services and links to the Livestream can be found HERE.


St. Paul’s will be reintroducing wine in communion this Easter Sunday. We wish to offer a variety of ways for you to participate. Please do what you feel is most comfortable for you, and know that, regardless of your decision, Jesus is present in this holy celebration.

  • You may receive only the bread (without taking the wine). Gluten-free bread is available. Just ask the priest.

If you would like wine, there are two options (we use fortified wine)

  • Drink from the cup – After you’ve consumed the bread, you may sip from the cup, holding the chalice at the base and guiding to your lips. (Intinction is considered less sanitary than drinking.)
    Take an individual cup – Indicate to the Lay Eucharistic Minister that you’d like an individual cup of wine. Drink the wine, and then dispose of the cup in the waste receptacles to be recycled.

If you’d like not to receive either bread or wine.

  • Receive a blessing – You are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you’d like a blessing.