
Leaning towards MEMBERSHIP

  • Join us for one of our newcomer gatherings following worship. These are hosted by the Rector and other staff, clergy, and parishioners. The gatherings provide a space to learn about St. Paul’s and ask any questions you may have—hosted seasonally in the fall and the spring. Subscribe to E-Grace Notes to keep up to date. 
  • Connect with a Friend in Christ—a church member willing to be a conversation partner as you learn more about St. Paul’s and consider membership—contact Rev’d Andie Rohrs.
  • Schedule a meeting with Bo Cresswell, who oversees our welcoming ministry.
  • Schedule a meeting with our Rector Charlie—contact Carter Johann.
  • Inquire about our Episcopal 101 or Confirmation offerings often during the springtime (Lent)—a small group opportunity to learn more about church history, worship, and sacraments, and more—contact Bo Cresswell.
  • Consider making a financial pledge—more information on our website.

If you are currently a member of a different church and interested in joining St. Paul’s, this information is helpful: 

BAPTISM The sacrament of Baptism makes us members of the Church. And we can then live into the meaning of our baptism within specific congregations and Christian denominations. The Episcopal Church recognizes Christians all persons who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Holy Trinity– God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit.

EPISCOPALIAN If you were baptized into the church in an Episcopal congregation then, in addition to becoming a member of the church, you were enrolled as a member of that congregation and became an “Episcopalian.” A note on language: A person is an “Episcopalian,” and the church is the “Episcopal” Church. 

LETTER OF TRANSFER | ALREADY BAPTIZED If you were baptized with water and in the name of the Trinity in another Christian communion or denomination, you can become a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church by asking your previous parish to send a letter of transfer so that you can be enrolled on the books of this parish. This officially marks that you are a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church specifically.

CONFIRMATION All baptized members are encouraged to be confirmed, either when they reach maturity (8th grade and above) or in connection with baptism if they are baptized as adults. In confirmation “we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” After confirmation, a person is a confirmed member.

REAFFIRMATION If you already completed confirmation in the Episcopal Church, you can reaffirm your faith publicly usually after completing a confirmation class or attending other formation opportunities. 

RECEPTION All Christians of other denominations who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Trinity, who have as adults made a prior affirmation of their baptismal vows and who wish to be received “into the fellowship of this Communion,” shall be presented to the Bishop for reception. No longer does reception apply only to those persons coming from the Roman Catholic, Swedish Lutheran and Old Catholic Churches or from similar bodies. 

VOTING Adults 16 years of age and older who are confirmed communicants in good standing may vote during our annual parish meeting for Vestry (the ruling body of the congregation), run for the Vestry, and represent the congregation in the Diocese of Virginia.