Compelling Preaching Project

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree

Did you know that, for the last year, I have been participating in a nation-wide project connected with Luther Seminary (where I received my Doctorate in Biblical Preaching)?

The project is exploring the question: What makes a sermon compelling?

Over the decades and centuries, the church and society have changed. In a 21st century, post-covid culture, what makes a sermon effective? What speaks to you in sermon? What do you need the sermon to do? These are a few of the questions the project is asking. We need your help, though. Each week in January, you are invited to listen to the sermon preached at St. Paul’s and provide feedback. The QR code will take you to a simple survey that asks you, the listener, a few questions. Note that these aren’t critiques of the sermon or the preacher, but ways of capturing what the listeners, in multiple church contexts, are experiencing. The feedback is shared only with the project team, not with the preacher, in the hopes of gathering larger trends in what listeners are experiencing. 

In case you missed it, click the video above to watch Sunday’s sermon!

Please scan the QR code to participate in this important project (Sorry, the survey is not available on paper – only through the QR code).Thanks for your help, St. Paul’s. I pray that our efforts, combined with those across the country, will generate feedback that will help strengthen preaching, help our churches to flourish, and allow the Word of God to be broken open in new and creative ways.

See you in church (Guest Preacher- The Rev. Sue Eaves),

Charlie+ (he/him)