Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree

We heard some beautiful and moving music at Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday evening. A wide variety of composers was represented, from as far back as the 16th century, to a friend of mine named Jessica down in Mississippi. The St. Paul’s Choir, along with our lectors, were at their best.

There was one text that stood out for me. How will we know the Lord when we see Him? The author has some instructions for us. What strikes me about this text, though, is that the author is anonymous. It seems fitting, doesn’t it?

Thou shalt know him when he comes, 

Not by any din of drums, 

Nor his manners, 

nor his airs, 

Nor by anything he wears. 

Thou shalt know him when he comes, 

Not by his crown or by his gown, 

But his coming known shall be, 

by the holy harmony which his coming makes in thee.

See you in church, Advent II
