Being Together

by the Rev. Charlie Dupree

Lots of things are getting cranked up this Sunday at St. Paul’s. It’s the second Sunday of the month, which means that a few special things happen. I’m taking some time here just to remind us of these things, and some of the reasons why we do them.

We wear orange on Sundays

Orange is the color of safety. We wear orange as a community to bring awareness to the plague of gun violence across the nation, but particularly in Virginia. We also wear orange to promote awareness about gun safety. At our services on second Sundays, we read the names of those whose lives were lost to gun violence in the last month. This monthly practice keeps this issue in front of us. Our ministries of Community Engagement create opportunities for involvement and advocacy around this issue. If you’d like to learn more about RISC (Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities), click here.

Second Sundays Family Worship

We want families and children to feel at home at St. Paul’s. In addition to providing a welcoming space during our Sunday morning worship through the Gospel procession, a soft space with soft toys, and children’s chapel, we have a Family Worship Service at 4 PM on the second Sundays of each month. Held in Scott Hall, these services are for EVERYONE of ALL AGES. They are geared toward children using child-friendly readings, music, and plenty of room to wiggle around. If you have any questions about this ministry, or to find out how you can help with ministries with children, please reach out to Linda Willis at

Second Sunday Community Supper

Each second Sunday at 5 PM, we offer a good, old-fashioned potluck. The whole St. Paul’s family joins in good food and good conversation – a great way to begin the week. Typically, St. Paul’s provides the entrée. You provide the sides. This Sunday, we’ll be grilling out in the Memorial Garden, and you’re invited to bring a side dish or dessert (click here for more details).

Why are these events important? The theme of our programming for 2023/2024 is “Being With.” I feel like God smiles when we come together – around the classroom, around the drawing board, around the altar, and, around the table! So many of you have indicated that experiencing connection and being together are important. These Sunday events are but a few of the ways that we – spiritually and physically – come together as a church family. We share stories, learn about each other, and we prepare for the week and the work that is ahead. I hope that you’ll make these second Sunday events a part of your monthly rhythm.

Being together – isn’t that what church is all about? By the grace of God, we come together for a new church year at St. Paul’s. Thank you for the ways in which you offer your gifts for the building of the Kingdom of Heaven, and for bringing it near.

Here’s a prayer for the church:

For the Parish (BCP, p. 817)

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven

and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen

the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent.

Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring

us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See you in church,

Charlie+ (he/him)