“That we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”
Romans 1:12
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Three days ago was Easter Sunday. Have you found a way to continue to appreciate the life-giving resurrection of Christ? Remember that Easter is not just one day, but a season of fifty days of joyous remembrance. It presents us with an ongoing opportunity to live out that gift of resurrection life, in our lives, here and now.
Two days ago was Earth Day. Have you found a way to continue to appreciate God’s gift of the life-giving soil, air, plants, animals, and humans with whom we share this planet? Earth Day may be just a one day reminder, but it presents us with an opportunity to live out that ongoing respect for what sustains our lives.
Have you thought about the connection between Easter and Earth? Have you thought about the connection between Christ and Creation?
Our Book of Common Prayer liturgies express this connection. “Christ … offered himself … a perfect sacrifice for the whole world” (p. 362). We expect that God will, “in the fullness of time, put all things … under … Christ ” (p. 369). And we recognize that Jesus “gave himself up to death … and made the whole creation new” (p. 374). Notice how these promises are not just for Christians. Not just for good people. Not necessarily even just for people. Christ is bringing about a renewal of the Cosmos.
Our faith in Christ is tied inextricably to our care for Creation. God has given “the whole world into our care, so that, in obedience to … our Creator, we might rule and serve all … creatures” (p. 373). This is a commandment. God expects us to carry it out.
Look around you. Take careful notice of all of our fellow creatures: human, animal, vegetable, and mineral. Recognize how we all share in creaturehood— a connectedness to each other through our Creator. Broken relationships with our fellow creatures, at any level, harm our relationship with God.
Find ways that you can celebrate and sustain the connection between Easter and Earth. Find ways that you can celebrate and sustain the connection between Christ and Creation. Find ways that you can celebrate and sustain this sacred connection between us and all of our fellow creatures.
God’s Peace,
The Rev. Bill Queen
Interim Rector