Ash Wednesday Liturgy by Rev. Charlie | February 16th, 2021

The journey is about intentionally and mindfully moving in a life-ward direction.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The service for Ash Wednesday is made up of many parts. It’s on page 264 of the Book of Common Prayer in a section called “Proper Liturgies for Special Days.” If you have a chance, you might look it over in preparation for the service.

The service begins with readings, then moves to the imposition of ashes, followed by Psalm 51. Then comes the Litany of Penitence. In this moving litany, we cover a lot of spiritual territory. It’s kind of like an extended, more detailed confession. At the end come these words, “Almighty God . . . who desires not the death of sinners, but rather that they may turn from their wickedness and live.”

Live. Life. Live!

As you walk the “pilgrim way of Lent,” do not be fooled into thinking that the Lenten journey is about making it as hard and difficult as possible. The journey is about intentionally and mindfully moving in a life-ward direction.

I hope you’ll be able to join the St. Paul’s community for services on Ash Wednesday (see details below). I’ll be preaching at both services, and on Sunday (Lent I), all three clergy will join in a dialogue sermon.

May the Lord bless us as we begin our journey with the Lord of Life.
